Through Aculaser Treatment Centre’s Weight Health Control Programs, clients are losing weight and getting healthy now—and for the long-term

Aculaser Luciana
Once the body begins its detox journey, an integral part of Luciana McCartney’s AcuLaser Treatment Centre’s programs is low-level laser acupuncture, which helps kick the metabolism into high gear.

By Patricia Nugent

Despite the millions of dollars people spend each year on gym memberships and fad diets, the sad reality is Americans are bigger than ever. The obesity rate has skyrocketed from 30% in 2000, to 41% as of last year, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

Why the epic fail?

Maybe because when trying to lose weight, we are applying short-term and short-sighted solutions to a long-term, lifelong problem.

The Weight Health Programs at Aculaser Treatment Centre focus on a holistic and healthy detox of the body, then laser treatment to rebalance the body’s energy pathways, plus education for healthy eating that you can use as a blueprint for the rest of your life.

“We’ve had amazing success,” says founder and laser specialist Luciana McCartney. “Whether through our 30-Day Sugar Detox or 90-Day Weight Health Control Program, the comprehensive protocol focuses on achieving your optimum weight health. Lymphatic Drainage Massage is an essential component of the 90-Day program, which helps rid the body of toxins.”

AcuLaser Treatment Centre’s focus is on holistic approaches to health and wellness.

Rethinking What You Eat
“We work with each person to teach them about clean foods that are nutrient-dense, while coaching them to avoid toxic additives like sugar,” she says. “People are often surprised when we explore the truth behind foods that are touted as ‘healthy’ yet are not, like diet yogurt. The program is not restrictive, but rather realistic. We don’t tell people they can never eat bread again. Healthy swaps are suggested to avoid chemicals and additives.”

People who have gone through these programs have not only lost weight, but also seen significant changes to their health indicators, like blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels. In fact, Luciana notes it’s not uncommon for clients to be able to go off their medications.

Laser Acupuncture
Once the body begins its detox journey, an integral part of the program is low-level laser acupuncture. Stimulating pressure points that support the endocrine system, the adrenals and the liver kick the metabolism into high gear.

“Just as you need to spring clean your home, you also need to spring clean your body for it to function at its highest level,” Luciana says. “And this month—after all of us have overindulged over the holidays—is an excellent time to push the reset button on your wellness. By the time the 90 days is over, people will have detoxed and rebalanced their body and adopted new and lasting behaviors.”

How Lymphatic Drainage Works
“About a year ago, we added lymphatic drainage massage to the program since it helps process metabolic waste,” she says, noting that the Weight Health Control Program includes three laser therapy sessions and one massage.

Luciana partners with licensed massage therapist and certified lymphedema therapist Lindsay Barringer of Healnetic Therapy at the Centre.

“Instead of targeting muscles like traditional massage, this form of massage is meant to move lymph fluids through the body,” Lindsay says. “Since lymph transports metabolic waste, this detoxes the system and reduces inflammation. I target more than 400 lymph nodes, working on the torso, arms, and legs to get the fluid moving.”

She adds that people often feel energized after a massage.

Instead of targeting muscles like traditional massage, lymphatic drainage massage moves lymph fluids through the body, detoxing the system and reducing inflammation. Pictured is Lindsay Barringer of Healnetic Therapy at the Centre working with a patient.

“There’s a natural reduction in inflammation, with fingers and ankles, even the face, becoming less swollen,” she says.

In addition to the weight health programs, the Centre also treats people through its laser acupuncture smoking cessation program and stress relief program.

“We all know that stress is toxic, but don’t know how to stop and prevent it,” Luciana says. “We’re effectively able to lower cortisol, which is triggered in stressful situations and not good for the body.”

Aculaser Treatment Centre is located at 7000 Fitzwater Road, Suite 230, in Brecksville. Call 440-740-1020 or visit for more information.