Painless hemorrhoid treatment

By Dr. David Gutman, Advanced Hemorrhoid Specialists
We read it in our reviews and hear it in the office on a regular basis. Patients who have waited weeks, months, years, and even decades to treat their hemorrhoids tell us they wish they would have come in sooner.
What keeps them bound to living with symptoms like bleeding, itching, burning, difficulty wiping and protruding hemorrhoids that need to be pushed back in with every bowel movement is fear.
People have heard the horror stories about hemorrhoid treatment…painful surgery and weeks of recovery…and live with the symptoms instead of exploring treatment.
Some aren’t even aware that simple, virtually pain-free options exist. And these options don’t just exist, they actually work.
Treatment takes just a few seconds over the course of a few sessions, and then life can go back to the way it was before hemorrhoids changed it.
I offer two easy, safe, and effective non-surgical procedures designed to safely eliminate hemorrhoids.
One reduces the blood flow that feeds the hemorrhoids, reducing inflammation and causing them to shrink. The other is better suited to removing larger hemorrhoids. Both take just a few seconds to do. Since they are performed in an area with no nerve endings, they can be administered right in the comfort of my office without anesthesia.
There is virtually no pain, no prep needed, there are no major restrictions, and you don’t have to take time off of work. Consultations are free of charge, and our procedures are covered by insurance.
To reach Dr. David Gutman of Advanced Hemorrhoid Specialists, call 216-772-4653. He has two office locations: 25200 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 109, in Beachwood; and 2660 W. Market Street, Suite 250, in Fairlawn. To learn more, visit