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Articles Showing articles related to: Beth Newcomb

The cost of distancing

With nearly everyone avoiding contact over the last year or so, people got creative with the ways they accomplished tasks typically handled in person. Zoom meetings replaced face-to-face interaction, and Door Dash became the conduit for eating out at home. Unfortunately, when it came to estate matters, many people decided to take matters into...

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Gerri’s Closet is packed with the hottest fall fashions, home accessories and gifts for way less

It’s a misconception that just because you’re buying second hand the styles aren’t first rate,” says Gerri Talevich, owner of Gerri’s Closet, one of Northern Ohio’s most popular consignment shops. Savvy shoppers with a desire to wear the hottest labels for a fraction of regular retail have been flocking to Gerri’s Green-based shop...

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Save on cabinet refinishing

Barbara Kroll and her husband found a home they loved in Broadview Heights’ Macintosh Farms. Although the location topped their list of choices, they were less than thrilled with the interior of the home they purchased several years ago. As seniors on a budget with an eye for sensational home décor, the Krolls tapped into the expertise of...

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TruSculpt iD is perfect for the chin, abdomen, inner and outer thighs, back, arms and anyplace on the body you want to see a dramatic reduction

Some people have difficulty losing weight but ultimately get there. For others, it’s a lifelong battle that requires surgical intervention. Diane H. lived the first part of her life struggling to get thin. “Fifteen years ago I had bariatric surgery and lost more than half of me,” she says. “This caused my arms to have excessive...

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Appointing a guardian

The idea of guardianship (or conservatorship) took the stage recently with the coverage surrounding Britney Spears. “A guardianship comes into play when the court gets involved to determine whether or not a person is competent to make decisions regarding their health and finances,” explains Jay Nabors, a Cleveland-based attorney who focuses...

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