Feng Shui at Home with Deem Designs Clutter Clearing

By Patricia Nugent
Junk drawers. Closets bursting at the seams. A basement you have to cut a path through. Your car no longer fits in the garage. Sound familiar?
If the level of clutter in your home has begun to feel like a problem, then it’s time to bring in a professional. Meet Sandy Deem, a feng shui expert who has taught a class at Tri-C on how to declutter and trained in England under Karen Kingston, author of the worldwide bestseller, Clear your Clutter with Feng Shui.

“Our lives are energetically anchored to our homes,” says Sandy. “When stagnant energy around useless clutter builds up, it affects us personally.”
She’s changed the lives of hundreds of clients over the past 20 years through Deem Designs Clutter Clearing.
“Working one-on-one with the homeowners, we decide what to keep, what to donate, and what to toss,” she says. “We get to the root of the problem, finding out why their home became cluttered in the first place, then put ideas in place to keep it from happening going forward.”
Her clients call this service transformational. They say they’re happy to invite guests over again and feel a balance and lightness back in their lives. Accumulation can be toxic. Call Sandy to take charge of your life again.
Headquartered in Rocky River, Sandy Deem has decluttered homes all over Northeast Ohio. Give her a call at 440-667-8249 or visit DeemDesigns.com for more information.